Secondary Literacy/AVID Program Updates – RMS and WHS
Leigh Ann Graf shared performance goals and progress in literacy for both Riverside Middle School and Watertown High School with respect to STAR data at RMS and ACT Aspire and ACT data at WHS. Discussion transitioned to instructional strategies embedded within the AVID program for both districtwide and targeted audiences as a factor toward setting future goals and increased student success as determined by these and other assessments, such as the Wisconsin Forward Exam. Each site is training staff on the use of strategies that enhance student writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization of content, and reading. Ms. Graf shared examples of each of these strategies. A repeat presentation will take place at the March meeting of the full Board of Education including some student testimony on the impact of the AVID program.
WUSD Safety Plan Updates
New quarantine guidelines for vaccinated individuals were presented to the committee. Individuals who have been vaccinated who have an exposure to someone with COVID-19 are not required to quarantine if they are fully vaccinated (i.e., exposure occurs greater than 2 weeks following receipt of the second dose in a 2-dose series, or greater than 2 weeks following receipt of one dose of a single-dose vaccine); are within 90 days following receipt of the last dose in the series; AND Have remained asymptomatic since the current COVID-19 exposure.
eCampus Updates
Dave Vitale shared some current information about the eCampus Academy in particular and digital learning throughout the WUSD in general and will share enrollment and other progress indicators and goals at the March meeting of the full Board of Education