WUSD Safety Plan Updates: Dr. Schug shared updated information that included a Department of Health Services recommendation that each student case in terms of quarantine duration determinations be evaluated on a case by case basis meaning that the default quarantine duration of 14 days may drop to 10 days based on circumstances that involve the ability to socially distance.
Summer School 2021 – Initial Planning Steps: Dr. Schug presented summer school goals that included recommendations for elementary and secondary students. Each site would maintain safe environments over the summer term while continuing to offer fun/enrichment courses and academic recovery courses while maximizing student FTEs (Full Term Equivalent) to boost enrollment counts. Work will continue throughout the coming weeks to secure staffing, identify students most in need of summer support, communicating with families and the public, and establishing health and safety protocols.
Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) Annual Goals – Semester Update: Kayla Wendt update the committee on the Schurz School annual academic performance goals as part of the AGR program, which was formerly the SAGE program. A follow up presentation will take place at the end of the school year when benchmark assessments in literacy are completed in the spring window. STAR & Fountas and Pinnell assessments are used to set goals and chart progress, which is currently lower at each grade level (K-3) than targeted goals. Much of this is attributed to circumstances involving COVID.
2021-22 Open Enrollment Seats – Students with Disabilities: Jenny Borst and Erin Meyer shared 2021-22 space determinations for available open enrollments of students with special needs. A formal resolution to set the number of available seats will appear on the January agenda of monthly meeting of the BOE. Additional space to accommodate open enrollees to both Lebanon LEAP elementary (K-5) and eCampus Academy virtual school (4K-12) will result in a recommended additional 1.0 FTE in special education cross categorical staffing. WUSD administration would pursue all additional FTE within the context of a broader staffing and resources plan developed over the coming weeks.
Endeavor Charter School Annual Audit Report: The required annual independent audit of Endeavor Charter was shared and discussed with the committee as part of required state and federal protocols. Endeavor is in good financial standing. The audit was performed by Chuck Krueger of Hawkins Ash CPAs – the same firm that conducts the full district audit.