WUSD Safety Plan Update
Dr. Schug updated the committee on new CDC flexibility guidelines regarding shortened quarantine options. The committee discussed the new guidance with Carol Quest from the Watertown Health Department and WUSD Nurse Lynn Gilbert providing input and responding to questions. The committee recommended implementing the new shortened quarantine period of 10 days when individuals are symptom free and completing daily monitoring during the quarantine and during days 11-14 to take effect with staff immediately. After reviewing the staff implementation and all relevant data the committee recommended planning for implementation of the 10-day quarantine flexibility options for students upon their return from Winter Break.
Elementary Program Planning and Updates
Jenny Borst and elementary principals updated the committee on an April 2020 recommendation that WUSD continue to take steps to transition Schurz to a Dual Language/Foreign Language school by 2021-22 to better serve all learners and potentially expand dual language to 4K in a full day program. Ms. Borst shared preliminary results from a community survey about 4K programming that will be discussed at the December meeting of the Board of Education. The committee also revisited the plan accommodate growth in STEM programming at the elementary level as well, including expansion into Douglas School. Projected/anticipated enrollments, staffing, and related costs are ongoing as part of these developments. A formal proposal for a new name for Lebanon School – LEAP –will also be on the Board agenda for approval in December.
Program Grant Updates: CARES/ESSER
Dave Vitale updated the funding and process for submitting the CARES grant application to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, including private school involvement and allocations.
Next meeting – Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at 7:30 a.m.