WUSD Safety Plan Update
Dr. Schug shared updates to the WUSD Safety Plan updates as part of the procedures and protocols in response to COVID-19. Additional procedures for Nutrition Staff, Volunteers, and determining close contact were discussed.
Asynchronous Learning Dates Proposal
Dr. Schug highlighted what would be 4.5 dates throughout the coming winter for possible districtwide asynchronous learning in an effort to recognize and respond to staff feedback amidst the challenges of teaching during the pandemic. The goal is to temporarily lighten some of the burden caused by lost time for planning and collaboration while adapting to staffing shortages and multiple modalities of teaching. There was general support for the idea of relief for staff how asynchronous days can assist with this. The topic will be on the November 30 meeting agenda of the full Board of Education.
4K Update and Planning – 2021-22 – Initial Discussion
Jenny Borst updated the committee on 4K planning. Included was a discussion of a community survey to determine interest in public school options for 4K. Cost factors for supporting expansion are ongoing questions that will be part of future Ed Services and Board discussions leading up to February 1, 2021 which is the date when 4K and 5K enrollment commences for the 2021-22 school year.
Lebanon Plan Update – 2021-22 Opening
Dave Vitale and Mark Getz, principal at Lebanon School, updated the committee on past, current, and future steps toward the eventual opening of Lebanon LEAP Elementary School. LEAP stands for Learning through Environmental and Agricultural Pathways. The committee will be updated throughout the winter and spring on Lebanon planning.