DPI Waivers – Evaluation Components
The Committee discussed a draft evaluation pacing guide with amended components and timeframes that will be part of a DPI permitted COVID-19 waiver application process. Districts are allowed to seek any number of waivers in what is called a Flexibility Application that acknowledges times when regulatory mandates may require temporary relief. WUSD would not be waiving evaluations, but would be granted permission by the DPI to forego some component requirements for pre-determined evaluation types, which refers to the classification of staff on the evaluation cycle. The focus of evaluation will be on new staff, staff in need of improvement based the previous year, and staff on a full evaluation cycle.
PD Portal Review – Summer and Fall Training
Committee members reviewed WUSD summer training sessions in preparation for various scenarios involving digital platforms, many of which were formally approved by the full Board at its July 27 meeting. Trainings remain accessible in a recorded format for current and future staff. Other training and professional development was also discussed as was their connection to various district grants and applications to level up in a summative year.
COVID-19 Safety Plan Updates-
Dr. Schug updated the Board on additions to the Safety/Reopening Plan including key safety and cleaning protocols and virtual learning options. The contents of the Safety Plan have been updated and shared at various public meetings throughout the summer and fall. The updates will be reviewed at the full Board meeting on October 26. The latest version can be accessed here: https://45b1be42-df68-4edc-bc4b-9705b12a1771.filesusr.com/ugd/5d66d5_a29253fddf2b4fb1852d6c3e5bfcf931.pdf
eCampus Update/HS Virtual Plus
Dr. Vitale shared enrollment information and program details about eCampus Academy and Virtual Plus programming.