COVID-19 Updates: 2020-21 School Year Preparation
Reopening Plan:
Dr. Schug shared the Pandemic Planning Team’s initial draft plan for a safe reopening of schools with the goal of having a final version ready for Board approval at the July Board meeting. The formal approval will meant that further preparation and plan adjustments can continue to be made including all of the necessary preparations for professional development and the start of the school year for staff and students. The draft plan is also derived from a cooperative effort among the Dodge and Jefferson County superintendents.
The key points of the plan include the following:
Educational Planning – Ongoing Discussion/Follow-up
Related to the various instructional scenarios for the 2020-21 school year, Dr. Vitale shared highlights from meetings held with the Educational Planning Team dating back to May 21. Device acquisition allowing WUSD to furnish a mobile device for all students in need is underway. Feedback from April surveys of staff and parents around common instructional platforms is also being addressed. Pursuing Seesaw for Schools (grade K-5), SchoolsPLP (grade 6-12) with the ability to integrate Google Apps, Zoom conferencing, Khan Academy and other teacher created learning objects is the result of offering a blend of pre-populated content with the ability to build courses that came from additional feedback from staff. Federal support in the form of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act can eventually be used to reimburse for instructional and safety related costs incurred from COVID-19 planning preparations.
A video link to the meeting can be found here: