Special Education Program Review Update
Dr. Barb Sramek, Special Education Program Consultant, shared findings from 60 hours of interview time with over 170 stakeholders as part of a program audit of the WUSD’s special education services K-12. The audit report reviewed the continuum of services in special education, inclusive practices, and challenging behaviors which may or may not be exhibited by students with disabilities. Areas of both success and improvement were highlighted. Dr. Sramek will present a condensed version of the presentation at the March meeting of the full Board of Education along with recommendations for the Board’s consideration. The Education Services committee followed up with questions about current programming and did not request any changes to the presentation for the March 16th Board meeting.
Achievement Gap Reduction Report (AGR)
Andy Bare shared grade level performance data in the areas of early literacy awareness and reading comprehension as well as mathematics for Schurz School as part of a mid-year report for schools receiving AGR funds. The AGR program requires participating schools to create performance objectives that include reducing the achievement gap between low income students at Schurz and students in the same grade and subject area statewide. This includes students in both dual language and monolingual instructional settings.
Future Ready Technology Plan Update
Members received updated action step documentation of the Future Ready Technology Plan passed in December 2019.