Literacy Updates – Elementary Materials Adoption
Instructional Coaches Kari Dean and Bethany Schwefel as well as teacher representatives from literacy materials review team revisited the process steps leading up to a recommendation that Fountas and Pinnell Classroom be adopted as a replacement for Journeys in time for the 2020-21 school year. A resolution will appear on the January 27th Board agenda. Costs associated with materials adoption would be purchased from the District fund balance.
ESL Program Update – Elementary
Ashley Peirick – Teacher of English Language Learner Services updated the committee on programming for students being served at the elementary level primarily at Schurz and Douglas Schools. Dave Vitale shared 5 year ELL enrollment trends. Ms. Peirick discussed general program goals that support students with various levels of English proficiency as well as goals around bi-literacy for Dual Language Program enrolled students.
Lebanon Planning Update
Dr. Cassandra Schug updated the committee on the Lebanon School planning process, including options for an eventual instructional program model that the Lebanon Plan Committee is currently reviewing. Site visits to SAGES environmental school in Waupun and Montessori School of Waukesha are scheduled for later in January. The committee will hear updates at the February 11 Educational Services meeting.