1. Elementary Literacy Plan – Classroom Instruction Updates
Administration and elementary instructional coaches highlighted special programs supporting parents and new Fountas and Pinnell benchmark assessments in support of literacy instruction in the classroom both at Webster and across the District. These efforts, among many others, coincide with the WUSD Literacy Plan currently in operation.2. Literacy Curriculum/Materials – Review of Adoption Process Steps
Jenny Borst reviewed the process carried out by the elementary staff team on September 26 for eventually selecting and adopting a reading program that best fits the district philosophy and vision for literacy instruction. Future reviews and site visits will take place this fall in anticipation of a decision in early 2020.
3. Behavioral Support Research Study
A comprehensive committee of school and district staff, parents, students, and BOE members will complete a research study to determine the best system-wide vision and structure for addressing challenging student behaviors. Final recommendations will be presented to the Board of Education at the April 27 Board meeting. The final recommendation will consist of many factors, including stakeholder feedback, cost-benefit impact, and staffing implications.
4. Future Programming/Next Steps: Lebanon School, eCampus Charter
Dr. Schug previewed a resolution to be discussed by Board members at the full Board meeting on October 28 directing the WUSD administration to create a draft plan for Lebanon School that would eventually be presented to the Board at its January 2020 meeting. Dave Vitale highlighted the intent to forward a resolution this fall initiating the steps for chartering the WUSD eCampus program thereby enabling the district to accept students from beyond the district’s physical boundaries as enrollees in a fulltime virtual or blended setting. Other pursuits within the charter would be to offer accelerated degree programs through articulation agreements with regional institutions of higher education offering online programs to high school students. A draft plan will be presented to the Board at the January 2020 meeting along with an application to pursue Wisconsin Charter School Program grant dollars offered through the Department of Public Instruction.