1. Elementary Literacy – Program Update:
Instructional Coaches and Jenny Borst shared short term plans for reviewing the Journeys curriculum with the K-5 Literacy Team on March 19 along with literacy focused grade level meetings on March 20 during early release time. A recent visit to the Jefferson School District where discussions are taking place involving potential curriculum adoptions allowed for a closer look at several curriculum materials that would eventually be part of a formal adoption process should WUSD’’s own review process signal a move in this direction. Committee members were encouraged to attend the literacy team meeting on March 19 as well as be part of any materials adoption process should it occur. Instructional coaches also shared details about coaching cycles, future plans for standards alignment and classroom consistency, and more frequent feedback loops with the administrative Cabinet as part of the District’s developing 5-Year Literacy Plan.
2. Spring Assessments Preview
Dave Vitale updated the Committee on the timetable for Spring state accountability assessments as well as efforts to ensure that the testing environment is conducive to successful performance. Related to this are efforts to minimize network congestion by limited some streaming services and network access during our testing window.