Riverside Middle School SLO – Jon Rouse and Luke Spielman previewed several slides from the Riverside Middle School SLO (School Learning Objectives) presentation that will be discussed at the full Board meeting in February. The presentation will cover progress toward academic and non-academic goals.
Achievement Gap Reduction Program Update (AGR) – Andy Bare updated the Committee on the Schurz School plan to continue to use AGR in support of smaller teacher to student ratios for schools with significant percentages of students who are economically disadvantaged. Schurz has a rate of approximately 70% economically disadvantaged as measured by enrollments in the free and reduced lunch program.
Germany Field Trip- Committee members received a copy of the brochure and itinerary of the summer 2017 trip to Europe being arranged by Kim Schneider, German teacher at Watertown High School. A full presentation will be delivered at the February meeting of the Board of Education.