STEM Planning Update-
Discussion focused on enrollment projections over the next 3 years and immediate plans for professional development with Lincoln School staff as well as parent communication in the coming weeks and months.
Wisconsin Assessment System Update-
Dave Vitale shared the Language Arts and Math proficiency goals as part of Wisconsin’s ESSA state plan. ESSA refers to the Every Student Succeeds Act that is part of the federal Department of Education’s accountability program for states receiving Title assistance.
RMS Programs Review-
The Committee discussed proposals and options in 7th and 8th grade that maintain a focus on Foods with some curricular updates related to healthy living and interdisciplinary connections. The purpose and importance of higher order skills in the Creative Communication courses was reiterated. These will be tied to College and Career Readiness Standards in English/Language Arts and technology integration. Flexible Instructional Time (FIT), which is a 45 minute period at the end of every day, allows for other opportunities as determined by demand as is currently the case with FIT periods.
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