Student Trip Proposal – Experience Cuba
Eric Kleine previewed plans for a proposed trip to Cuba from June 20-29, 2017. A resolution for approval will appear on the December meeting agenda of the full Board of Education. Education First Tours will organize travel and arrangements, which will be fully funded by families and students.
2016-17 WHS Course Book
Sarah Tarpey, Bill Loss, and Dave Vitale reviewed updates in Career and Technical Education and Health for the 2016-17 school-year. The full course book will be up for approval at the January meeting of the full Board of Education. WHS will be offering online Health for the fall semester through its affiliation with the Wisconsin e-School Network. Rusty Tiedemann, current Health teacher, will teach the course.
ACT Update
Bill Loss presented a change to the testing schedule for the Spring ACT in which Juniors taking the exams on March 1 will be in attendance while non-Juniors will not be required to report to school on that day. The intent is to foster greater concentration and effort for the ACT, which is now part of the Wisconsin State Accountability System.