The Badger Exam 3-8 is a summative assessment that will be administered during the month of April and part of May. It is designed to measure students’ cumulative progress from the past school year in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics for grades 3-8. The exam will consist of two parts: Section 1 includes a variety of selected response, constructed response, and technology enhanced items. Section 2 includes a performance task where students are asked to demonstrate their understanding of Math and English by completing a task.
Badger Exam 3-8 General Info
Badger Exam 3-8 Information for Families
Badger Exam 3-8 Informacion para las Familias
Badger Exam 3-8 Information for Educators
Sample Classroom Activities & Performance Tasks (each grade will have its own Activity and Task)
Out of This World Classroom Activity
Grades 3-5 ELA
Technology of the Future Classroom Activity
Grade 6-8 ELA
Lemonade Stand Performance Task
Grades 3-5 Math
Cereal Boxes Performance Task
Grades 6-8 Math
Practice Tests
Badger Exam 3-8 Practice Test Quick Start Guide
Badger Exam Practice Test (Revised 2/12/2015) Offers exposure to the software and interface features that mimics the testing engine for the Badger Exam 3-8
Smarter Practice Test
The Smarter Balanced Consortium released Practice Tests for each tested grade in both English language arts (ELA)/literacy and mathematics to help all stakeholders build awareness of the Smarter Balanced assessment functions and to increase teacher and student proficiency in navigating the applications, item types, and tools intended for operational assessment, as well as to provide a feel for the kind of items tested in Smarter assessments. Practice Test questions include the full range of Smarter Balanced item types for both ELA and mathematics--selected-response items, constructed-response items, technology-enhanced items, and performance tasks.