2015-16 WHS Course Proposals
The Committee reviewed proposals from Peter Senti from the Science Department who shared details on an Environmental Science elective course that applies scientific principles in a hands-on, laboratory approach. Units include the Water Cycle, Soil Formation, Forest Management, and Wildlife Ecology. Earth Science will remain in the WHS program of studies.
Zach Taylor, WHS English Department, provided details on a proposed Creative Writing course that was built from interest that students had in developing the Creative Writing Club into a formal elective class. Mr. Taylor anticipates 2 sections of approximately 25 students each. Enrollments will determine the status of these courses in terms of availability, internal staffing and scheduling. Each will be included in the 2015-16 Course Book in time for student registrations in February.
Student Services PDSA (Data review and action steps)
Erin Meyer and Jenny Borst reviewed current enrollments in various disability categories in which students are served with Individualized Education Plans and related student services. A review of special education staffing, student performance data on state testing, and past, present, and future professional development and program adoption also occurred. The presentation will be delivered to the full Board of Education at the December 15 meeting.