WHS 2015-16 Course Book Proposals-
Dave Pawl, from the Art Department and Reid LaDew from Music each presented proposals for Advanced Placement courses. Senior Portfolio would convert from a 1-semester course to become a year-long course titled AP Studio Art. Students would submit a final project in one of 3 areas (Drawing, 2-D Design, or 3-D Design). Mr. Pawl also proposed that the current AP Art History course be offered as a Social Studies elective credit or a Humanities credit.
Reid LaDew proposed AP Music Theory, which would be the first AP offering in the Music program. It is designed for students with a career interest in music and would build skills through the combination of composition and theory. This course would possibly require some internal adjustments to schedules between music staff at RMS and WHS that would be handled by the building administration.
A written proposal to add an Environmental Science course (in the Science Dept.) was discussed by the Committee. This proposal will be returned for discussion at the December meeting when the Committee will be joined by members of the Science Dept.
Lincoln and Lebanon School Goals (SLO)
Kent Jacobson reviewed the school demographics, baseline reading data, and performance goals of Lincoln Elementary School for the current school year. Mr. Jacobson will give a full report to the Board of Education for both Lincoln and Lebanon Schools at the BOE meeting in November.
Curriculum Review and Revision
Dave Vitale shared common procedural guidelines for conducting internal reviews of curriculum and courses. The curriculum review and revision process is carried out by curriculum authoring teams consisting primarily of classroom teachers and typically culminates in the adoption of new materials for implementing new or revised courses. The Committee will review the framework of the District's curriculum authoring software, Build Your Own Curriculum, at a future meeting.