Assessment Update:
Dave Vitale reviewed the aggregated reading benchmark data from the fall and winter benchmark windows in reading and math. Trends are moving in a positive direction. Fall 2012 Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Exam (WKCE) data will be released to the public on April 23. It is anticipated that districts statewide will see sharp declines in their performance levels in reading and math due to the application of a new scale for WKCE scores.
Charter School Grant Application Update:
Dave Vitale and Bob Logan reviewed the draft copy of the charter school grant application, including the narrative, budget, and instructional plan. The full application will be submitted to the Department of Public Instruction on Friday, April 12. WUSD will learn of the grant’s status by August 1. If funded, steps would ensue to assemble a staff and community based governance board that would oversee the charter school operations.