Linked below are sample items of test questions that students can expect to see on the Smarter Balanced assessments beginning in 2014-15. The samples include nearly 50 assessment items and performance tasks, including examples of innovative, technology-enhanced items that take advantage of computer-based administration to assess a deeper understanding of content and skills than would otherwise be possible with traditional item types. In addition, sample performance tasks showcase the extended classroom-based activities students will experience as part of the Smarter Balanced assessment system. Pilot testing will begin in early 2013 on thousands of test items that measure the Common Core Standards.
Our work in the Curriculum Companion emphasizes the importance of the meaningful application of the Common Core Standards, including performance tasks that show what a student knows and understands. It's a whole new world of assessment! In the meantime, we are in the process of reviewing our IT network, computer outlay and processing power to ensure proper functionality and access to these forthcoming assessments.