2013-14 WHS Course Proposals/Revisions:
Lynn Miller and Rhonda Nachtigall from the WHS Business Education Department presented a dual credit course proposal that would address the expanded use of Microsoft Office productivity tools, including Excel and Access. The curriculum would mirror the offering at Madison College for which there is an articulation agreement. The Committee was informed of ongoing work in offering of dual credit course options for students whereby students would earn high school and college credit simultaneously.
Reid LaDew from the Music Department presented a revision to Advanced Music, making it a semester, rather than year-long, course. Mr. LaDew also presented a new course that would merge the performance and production phases of music. Students would study the artistic and business side of music, particularly the rock genre from the 1950s-present.
Dave Vitale, Director of Instruction, presented on behalf of the Art Department. The proposed course would focus on concepts and designs for creating wearable art. The course would take the place of one section of 2-D Design and Computer Art.
Members of the committee reviewed and discussed implications related to scheduling and cost of these changes and found no concerns. These courses will be part of the 2013-14 course book that will be adopted in a resolution to the full Board of Education in January. Registration begins in February 2013 for the fall term.