2012 Summer School Preview:
Members of the committee reviewed up to date course offerings and enrollments for the 2012 WUSD Summer School program. Online registration was reported to be going very well and several sections of courses from all grade levels have either reached enrollment capacity or are nearing capacity. Summer school classes run from June 20-July 18 with no sessions on July 4.
Curriculum and Instruction Program Updates:
· WKCE growth trends were discussed as a follow-up to the March meeting. WKCE results represent one measure of student performance in the district and were reported to be generally growing in mathematics and stable or declining in reading. Site data shows growth in reading as measured by the District’s benchmarking system, which is a more reliable measure of day-to-day instruction. The WKCE does not purport to measure this.
· Changes to the state’s accountability system were referenced as part of this discussion about test results. New assessments, systems of measuring performance, and educator evaluations are briefly described in this document on the Curriculum and Instruction website. More information about Educator Effectiveness can be found on the Department of Public Instruction website. WUSD will be engaging in more detailed discussions with staff in the coming weeks and months about the implications of these changes.
· The Committee briefly reviewed the program description and timeline for implementing the new Project Lead the Way curriculum at Riverside Middle School.