Reading Program Update:
Jan Detrie, district reading specialist, and Gail Kottwitz, Title I reading teacher, presented information on the status of the district's reading program. The district's reading benchmark system was discussed as well as professional development in reading, writing, and assessment for all levels as it relates to literacy. The most recent Title I needs assessment shows steadily growing enrollments. The current Title I staff is servicing both public and parochial schools as stipulated by law.
Current Initiatives:
2012-13 Course Books:
The committee was reminded that the January meeting of the full Board of Education will include a resolution to adopt the 2012-13 coursebooks for RMS and WHS. Student registration will follow approval of the resolution.
S.O.A.R. Programming:
The committee discussed a proposal to increase the current job responsibilities of Curt Mould, data and assessment coordinator, to include leading the district's Student Options and Resources (SOAR) program. It was determined that the additional role would merge with Mr. Mould's current responsibilities related to data use and Response to Intervention (RtI).