4th graders in the Gifted and Talented program will participate in an interactive statewide Mystery Box activity beginning on November 22. Mystery Box involves clues gathered by students in participating districts about the identity of their community in Wisconsin. The clues are then placed in a box and exchanged with another district through the efforts of the statewide Mystery Box Coordinator located in Sauk City. Dave Hertel, Watertown resident and local historian, will meet with our students on November 22 in the WHS lecture hall to share stories and facts to include in our box.
What are the benefits of Mystery Box?
1. Students will learn more about Watertown and another Wisconsin community.
2. Students will learn to work together using problem-solving skills, research, and deductive reasoning techniques.
3. Mystery Box supports the Social Studies curriculum in 4th grade.
Mystery Boxes must be solved by April 1.
Go 4th Graders!