Human Growth and Development Preview and Discussion:
The committee reviewed the updated drafts of the 7th and 8th grade Human Growth and Development curriculum. The revised curricula included state statutory mandates that school boards that implement HG/D do so in a medically accurate, age appropirate way that addresses reducing sexually transmitted infections and unintended teen pregnanacies, including providing information about abstinence and contraceptives.
Students and families will continue to be informed of the option to be released from the class during the unit if the unit or individual issue interferes with their family's moral beliefs.
Assessment Handbook Follow-up:
The committee continued its discussion of district assessment data, including the recently developed assessment handbook containing WKCE longitudinal data.
The committee was updated on other pieces of data that make up benchmark assessments that help the disttrict adjust to Response to Intervention (RtI) requirements by 2013. These include math and reading assessments given in grades K-8.
The committee also viewed a video on Value Added models in Wisconsin and how they're being discussed at the state level as something that will add a growth element in student learning to a district's data profile.