2011-12 Course Proposal - FACE
A proposed addition to the Family and Consumer Education (FACE) program of studies was discussed and approved to be included in the 2011-12 course book in time for registration in January 2011. Food Science is a course being proposed by Jolene Massuch who identified a gap in the Food Science Career Pathway that the course would fill. Topics include producing, processing, preparing, evaluating, and using food, with a connection to nutrition and the biological, chemical, and physical principles of food production.
Funding for the course would be covered through the Carl Perkins grant. No adjustments to current staffing or licensure would be necessary. Anticipated enrollment is 20 students in grades 10-12.
Classroom Practices Discussion - Videos in the Classroom
The Committee discussed the role and value of movies (particularly Hollywood movies) in meeting learning goals and objectives. R rated movies should continue to be reviewed for their instructional merit, but would not necessarily be banned from use. Permission or opt out forms were discussed as a manner in which parents could be informed of upcoming movies and whether to allow their student to view it. Kate Lapin also suggested that course syllabi include information about when movies would be shown during the semester. The District has used opt-out forms in the past and will continue to do so if necessary or appropriate.
The Committee also discussed Fair Use and Copyright law and how they apply to the legality of showing movies in class. Questions about Fair Use or Copyright can be directed to Dave Vitale or Bob Logan.
Parent Survey Results Analysis
Parent responses to the recently administered Parent Satisfaction Survey were discussed as they related to the Curriculum/Programs area of the survey instrument. Dave Vitale highlighted general comments and quantitative feedback in the areas of core academics and gifted and talented programming. The Board of Education will discuss survey results at its December meeting.