Textbooks for 2010-11:
Textbooks and proposals for Advanced Algebra, Foreign Language (French) and Everyday Math (RMS) were reviewed. Leveled books that support thereading program at the elementary grades were also discussed as instructional materials to be adopted for the 2010-11 school year. Additional books and materials may be purchased on an as needed basis during the fall depending on available funds. The budget for instructional materials has remained unchanged for the past three years.
Summer Planning:
The Committee discussed the acquisition of new screening and monitoring software in mathematics that will be installed in time for the 2010-11 school-year. Scholastic Math Inventory will cover grades 5-8 and will provide up to date information about a student’s progress toward algebra readiness. The software is being purchased with federal ARRA funds that support progress monitoring and the District’s adherence to Response to Intervention guidelines from the Individuals with Disabilities Act.
The Committee also reviewed the summer training schedule for certified staff who are new to Everyday Math, Skyward’s grade book modules, Readers Workshop, and the use of SMART Boards (interactive white boards) in the class room.