Promotion Points/Graduation Policy Review
Committee members, along with building administrators at each level, discussed the impact of the District’s Fourth and Eight Grade Promotion Policy (#5231) and the diploma points outlined in the Graduation Policy (#5240). It was noted by Dennis Rambo that diploma points outlined in the latter policy were developed in response to the state’s plans to adopt a high school graduation test that was subsequently discarded in the early 2000’s prior to being implemented. The Watertown Unified School District, like other districts in the state, developed graduation points to provide options for students who might struggle to pass a graduation test. Similarly, the state’s No Social Promotion legislation prompted the development of promotion points at fourth and eighth grades. Andy Bare and Kent Jacobson reported that student performance or acquisition of points is rarely connected to any incentive to advance provided by earning points outlined in the policy, and that most students earn points incidentally and without a problem.
The Committee wished to forward a recommendation to the Policy Review Committee that the promotion points, as outlined in the aforementioned policies, be either removed or reduced, but that the District remain compliant with obligations set forth in state statute regarding social promotion. Therefore, removing or reducing the points as outlined in the policies should not be interpreted to mean that WKCE scores, for example, will no longer be a factor in a student’s promotion. The revised policy will be in place in time for the 2010-11 school year.