Get R.E.A.L. Financial Literacy Workshop Discussion
Dave Vitale and Scott Bostwick discussed the agenda from the January 28 meeting of the Get R.E.A.L. committee at the Watertown Chamber of Commerce. Greater detail about the planning was postponed until the March 16 Curriculum Committee meeting to accommodate two key organizers from the Watertown High School Business Education Department who did not attend the meeting because of inclement weather. A brief discussion ensued as to the likelihood of a financial literacy course being added to the program of studies perhaps as a requirement to earn a 23rd credit for graduation. Discussions are at the very early stages.
Staff Development Day 2010 Preview
The Committee discussed upcoming plans for the District’s annual in-service day scheduled for Monday, March 1. The complete schedule can be viewed at the Curriculum and Instruction webpage at Topics include Love and Logic, Everyday Math, Smart Board use, professional book studies on teaching strategies, and Writers Workshop among others.