Technology Plan Update-
The Committee reviewed a draft version of a revised technology plan and projected 5 year budget outlay. The draft plan and budget will be discussed at a future meeting of the Fiscal Services Committee and full Board of Education.
Response to Intervention Handbook Preview-
The Committee reviewed copies of the WUSD Multi-Level System of Support Handbook and RtI Resources. Information in the handbook will be
… more »The Badger Exam 3-8 is a summative assessment that will be administered during the month of April and part of May. It is designed to measure students’ cumulative progress from the past school year in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics for grades 3-8. The exam will consist of two parts: Section 1 includes a variety of selected response,
… more »As we take the next step in preparation for the new professional educator evaluation system in Wisconsin, the following links and files will hopefully serve to sort out fact from fiction over the next several days, weeks, and months. The major difference that we'll see from last year to this year is the development of a Student Learning Objective (SLO).
Support for following timelines and
… more »Title I Reading Program Update:
Gail Kottwitz, Brad Clark, and Nancy Zimmermann reviewed aspects of the Title I reading program, including how students are benchmarked, areas of professional development, regular classroom support for teaching literacy and outreach to parents. The Committee also reviewed current enrollments in Title I reading in both public and parochial schools in Watertown. For the coming year, the Title I and administrative
… more »Linked below are sample items of test questions that students can expect to see on the Smarter Balanced assessments beginning in 2014-15. The samples include nearly 50 assessment items and performance tasks, including examples of innovative, technology-enhanced items that take advantage of computer-based administration to assess a deeper understanding of content and skills than would otherwise be possible with traditional item types. In addition, sample
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