Studer Group Partnership
The Committee reviewed and discussed a proposed partnership with Studer Education to facilitate the development of an organizational improvement plan through consultation services provided by Studer and funded by the Watertown Area Health Foundation over a three year period. Consultation services would commence on July 1, 2018. The Committee forwarded a recommendation that formal action be taken at the May 21 meeting of the full Board of Education in support of these services in alignment to future strategic goals of the District.
2018-19 RMS Electives Preview-
Jon Rouse reviewed additional electives and RMS changes to the bell schedule for 2018-19 that address shortcomings of the current schedule. A recap of the process for developing a new schedule was also discussed including staff teams involved and opportunities to accommodate future efforts to improve student learning in the content areas as well as social emotional growth and engagement. Members had initially reviewed changes at the February meeting of the Educational Services Committee held at Riverside Middle School.