Dual Language Program Update-
Gayle Ebert, kindergarten teacher at Schurz Elementary School, shared information about recent and upcoming training and site visits as part of the Dual Language Education professional development efforts. Project GLAD training is scheduled for the week of October 24 and features instructional models that aim to help teachers by providing multiple strategies to integrate instruction in English and grade-level content in dual language classrooms.
SLO Format – Elementary Schools
Andy Bare shared each elementary school’s Student Learning Objective that will be shared as a combined report to the Board of Education throughout the upcoming months of the school year. Each performance target focuses on reading performance as measured by STAR and Fountas and Pinnell assessments.
STEM Proposal Update
Parent feedback forms are being collected at the elementary schools during the week of October 10 to help determine the scope of planning for a STEM-centric curriculum in one or more of the district’s elementary schools for the 2017-18 school year. Formal planning with a teacher/staff team will commence after feedback is processed.