Assessment Update
Committee members reviewed details related to new accountability measures, particularly the new Wisconsin Forward exam. The Department of Public Instruction selected Data Recognition Corporation as the vendor and will soon begin assembling the questions for the spring administration. The Wisconsin Forward exam will cover Reading/ELA and Math in a computer-based format in grades 3-8. Tests will not be computer-adaptive. Science and Social Studies will
… more »The Badger Exam 3-8 is a summative assessment that will be administered during the month of April and part of May. It is designed to measure students’ cumulative progress from the past school year in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics for grades 3-8. The exam will consist of two parts: Section 1 includes a variety of selected response,
… more »Linked below are sample items of test questions that students can expect to see on the Smarter Balanced assessments beginning in 2014-15. The samples include nearly 50 assessment items and performance tasks, including examples of innovative, technology-enhanced items that take advantage of computer-based administration to assess a deeper understanding of content and skills than would otherwise be possible with traditional item types. In addition, sample
… more »Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessments:
September 4-28
January 2-31
May 1-31
Scholastic Math and Reading Inventory
September 19 - October 10
January 9 - 30
April 30 - May 21
Click here to reach the Scholastic Achievement Manager (SAM) for results and reports.
The WKCE window is October 22 - November 23
… more »As part of several changes to Wisconsin's accountability system for public schools and districts, students will be held to a higher level of performance on state tests beginning in 2012-13. Consequently, fewer students will attain a ranking of proficient or advanced on state tests than in the past.
This new step is part of our state's transition to new student assessments that will help parents
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