RMS Literacy Curriculum Research Study Proposal
Erin Meyer, Jason Widiker and Leigh Ann Graf shared a process and timeline for a representative research team to study English/Language Art curriculum and instruction with the goal of assessing existing curriculum and practice against student performance and engagement. Research on current best practice and vertically aligned standards-based curriculum would also be part of the study
… more »Secondary Literacy/AVID Program Updates – RMS and WHS
Leigh Ann Graf shared performance goals and progress in literacy for both Riverside Middle School and Watertown High School with respect to STAR data at RMS and ACT Aspire and ACT data at WHS. Discussion transitioned to instructional strategies embedded within the AVID program for both districtwide and targeted audiences as a factor toward
… more »WUSD Safety Plan Updates: Dr. Schug shared updated information that included a Department of Health Services recommendation that each student case in terms of quarantine duration determinations be evaluated on a case by case basis meaning that the default quarantine duration of 14 days may drop to 10 days based on circumstances that involve the ability to socially distance.
… more »WUSD Safety Plan Update
Dr. Schug updated the committee on new CDC flexibility guidelines regarding shortened quarantine options. The committee discussed the new guidance with Carol Quest from the Watertown Health Department and WUSD Nurse Lynn Gilbert providing input and responding to questions. The committee recommended implementing the new shortened quarantine period of 10 days when individuals are symptom free and
… more »WUSD Safety Plan Update
Dr. Schug shared updates to the WUSD Safety Plan updates as part of the procedures and protocols in response to COVID-19. Additional procedures for Nutrition Staff, Volunteers, and determining close contact were discussed.
Asynchronous Learning Dates Proposal
Dr. Schug highlighted what would be 4.5 dates throughout the coming winter for possible districtwide asynchronous learning in
… more »DPI Waivers – Evaluation Components
The Committee discussed a draft evaluation pacing guide with amended components and timeframes that will be part of a DPI permitted COVID-19 waiver application process. Districts are allowed to seek any number of waivers in what is called a Flexibility Application that acknowledges times when regulatory mandates may require temporary relief. WUSD would not be waiving
… more »COVID-19 Updates: 2020-21 School Year Preparation
Reopening Plan:
Dr. Schug shared the Pandemic Planning Team’s initial draft plan for a safe reopening of schools with the goal of having a final version ready for Board approval at the July Board meeting. The formal approval will meant that further preparation and plan adjustments can continue to be made including
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